
Consultancy & Retainership Services

'Our Firm provides comprehensive secretarial advisory services and helps the corporate world to adhere to the corporate laws and undertake Retainership for the following services:

  • Preparation of Agenda Papers, Notices, Directors Report & Minutes of Board, Committees of the Board & General Meetings.
  • Preparation and maintenance of various Statutory Records & Registers under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
  • Incorporation, Change of name, alteration of the object, Capital & Situation clause of various public & private Companies & conversion of public companies into private and vice versa.
  • Buyback of Securities and drafting of related documents
  • Preferential and Private Placement of Securities and drafting of related documents
  • Preparation of Financial Statements in XBRL
  • Filing of Statutory Forms and Annual Returns with ROC
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